The ESG Prime Consult team
Atanas Stoyanov, PhD,
ESG Analyst®,
member of the examination committee of the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies,
Managing partner
Atanas Stoyanov is a doctor of economics in professional direction 3.8 Economics, in the scientific specialty "Accounting, control and analysis of economic activity". His professional path in the field of accounting began in 2018, and in parallel, from 2019, he added the field of financial auditing to his expertise.
Dr. Stoyanov graduated with both a bachelor's and a master's degree at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of the University of National and World Economy (UNWE), majority Accounting. He specialized ESG at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and is the first Bulgarian to be a Certified ESG Analyst® (also known as CESGA®). The certification has been identified as the most challenging ESG certification in the corporate world to obtain due to its complexity and the focus it places on both solid theoretical foundations and their practical application and integration. International attestation of the level of competencies possessed by Dr. Stoyanov in the field of ESG reporting is the invitation to join, which the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) extended to him after his exceptional performance during the CESGA diploma exam. As of March 2024, he is a member of the examination committee of the Federation. In addition to this, Dr. Stoyanov has acquired certificates of professional qualifications from two of the most prestigious and well-known higher education institutions and research and development centers in the world - Massachusetts Institute of Technology and University of Oxford.
He is the author of eight scientific publications, including the first textbook on the Bulgarian market on the topic of corporate sustainability reporting – "Sustainability reporting – environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors". His research interests are in the field of sustainability reporting (ESG reporting, integrated reporting, corporate sustainability, non-financial reporting), business combinations, and IAS/IFRS. For the first time in the Bulgarian specialized accounting literature, he presents the motive for merging with/acquiring companies with high ESG performance and how the "right" deals can help individual companies improve their own ESG metrics, as a result of which objectifies business combinations through the prism of ESG reporting. Dr. Stoyanov is a lecturer at the Department of Accounting and Auditing at the Higher School of Insurance and Finance (VUZF), where he conducts lecture courses and seminars on the discipline "Sustainability Reporting – Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Factors".
Certified ESG Analyst®,
Managing partner
Ivan Stoyanov holds a bachelor's and master's degree in "Accounting" - both obtained at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) - Sofia. He has over 15 years of practical experience in the field of accounting and auditing. Since 2013, he has been the manager and sole owner of the capital of the specialized accounting company - Petrich Consulting EOOD. He is the second Bulgarian Certified ESG Analysts® (also known as CESGA®). The certificate is distinguished by its degree of difficulty to obtain, due both to the focus it places on both solid theoretical principles and their practical application and integration. Mr. Stoyanov systematically upgrades and enriches his knowledge in the mentioned areas through regular participation in specialized training, courses and seminars. His latest is a specialization in ESG reporting from the University of Pennsylvania.
The rest of the ESG Prime Consult team members are experts with extensive and long-term professional experience in the field of financial reporting and tax treatment.